Workshop Series Syllabus and General Information
Objective: By the end of this workshop series the participant will:
Increase their credit score
Develop a monthly budget
Materials Needed:
Over a 90 day period of time, you will be able to increase your credit score, if you are serious about it. We will put into work common strategies to “shock” your score: decrease utilization, paying more than the minimum balance, paying on time, etc.
I utilize Credit Karma with my clients as a quick reference for checking scores and open accounts. However, when it comes to accuracy, getting a copy of your report utilizing the sources I provided is most accurate. Obtain your free credit report from
Why do I ask for your bank statements? Your bank statements are important because it allows you to truly assess where you spend your money and how much money you have available to pay off debt beyond your monthly statement minimums. If you are making the minimum payment, great. However, do you have an additional $20 to contribute to that account?
Questions to consider:
Do you know the interest rate for your credit card(s)?
What do you use your credit cards for?
Do you have any accounts in collections?
Workshop Session 1 - 90 Min
Brief overview of Credit
What to take notice of on your Report
Analyze spending by reviewing Bank Statements
Build Individual Strategy for: 1) Increasing your score 2) Creating or improving your monthly budget.
Workshop Session 2 - 60 Min
Goal Accountability
If needed, tweak your monthly budget.
Workshop Session 3 - 60 Min
Goal Accountability
If needed, tweak your monthly budget.
Workshop Session 4 - 90 Min
Celebrate your wins and losses!
You should have reached the 640 score goal.
Continue to have accountability for your finances.
Consider purchasing your first property.